The Rockcliffe Airport is a busy airport environment with constant training traffic and many visitors from day to day. The following procedures have been developed to help provided separation between incoming, and outgoing traffic. We request that you adhere to the routes below to help keep the flow of traffic safe, in and out of the area.
Landing and other fees apply to all commercial aircraft, excluding flying training unit aircraft. Please see the landing fee schedule for details.
Runway 27 (right-hand circuit):
- After take-off turn right 20° until over river then follow the shoreline:
- Depart northwest on the west side of Gatineau River. Maintain 1700’ ASL until Chelsea Dam to remain clear of inbound traffic.
- Contact Ottawa Terminal to climb westbound before reaching class C airspace.
- To depart eastbound, contact Gatineau Radio before departure; leave circuit at 1200’ ASL from downwind.
- Arrive from the west at or above 2200’ ASL until east of Gatineau River.
- Maintain 1700’ until south of aerodrome.
- Join circuit mid-downwind at 1200’ASL from the south. If certain there is no conflict you may join downwind at 1200’ ASL from the west. Watch for departing traffic!
Runway 09 (left-hand circuit):
- After take-off turn left 20° until over river then follow the shoreline.
- To depart eastbound, contact Gatineau Radio before departure and advise intentions.
- To depart westbound join the downwind and remain 1200’ until west of Gatineau River.
- Proceed northwest to Chelsea Dam at 1700’ ASL to remain clear of inbound traffic.
- Contact Ottawa Terminal to climb to class C.
- Arrive from the west at or above 2200’ ASL until east of Gatineau River.
- Maintain 1700’ until south of aerodrome.
- Join circuit mid-downwind at 1200’ASL from the south. If certain there is no conflict you may join downwind at 1200’ ASL from east. Watch for traffic on crosswind!